Thursday, May 19, 2011

nike air force 1

nike air force 1. Nike Air Force 1 – Holiday
  • Nike Air Force 1 – Holiday

  • LastName
    Mar 31, 11:57 AM
    That is really, really ugly. Like, really ugly. I cannot imagine having that brown turd interface open on my second monitor all day... blargh!

    +1. I like the unified layout but the color would make me gouge my eyes out to make it stop.

    nike air force 1. Nike Air Force 1 – Black
  • Nike Air Force 1 – Black

  • KnightWRX
    Dec 29, 11:13 AM
    Old news, she tries to maintain a 12k calorie diet/day. She's going for a record. She was all the rage last summer.

    Guilty or not guilty has nothing to do with eating right/wrong. Eat what you want, just make sure to keep your calorie absorption within limits (metabolism + physical activity) and you'll keep an healthy weight. There's nothing wrong with sugar/fat/alcohol and other non-"good for you!" foods and ingredients, it's just that these tend to be much more calorie dense and thus are much less filling per calorie eaten, so you end up ingesting much more to get that "full" feeling you should never get anyhow (if you fell stuffed, you over-ate).

    It's all about quantity. I baked a cake and made some very delicious gingerbread cookies for christmas. I ate 2 types of "tourtieres" + turkey + deserts + tons of appetizers at the christmas diner. I didn't gain a single a pound.

    nike air force 1. Nike Air Force 1 Black Patent
  • Nike Air Force 1 Black Patent

  • nsshah85
    Apr 14, 12:44 PM
    I'll only upgrade if this fixed the ****** animation glitches and battery drain. 4.3 h been a nightmare and the first update to it certainly didn't fix much. I'll wait for a report.

    I agree with the animation glitches. For the 5 minutes I've had it on my iPhone (Did a restore, instead of upgrade), haven't noticed animation glitches like I did with 4.3 and 4.3.1, so I would say that it's a safe bet to upgrade it. Everything seems to be a lot more fluid this time around. Hope that helps. Enjoy!

    nike air force 1. Nike Air Force 1,High
  • Nike Air Force 1,High

  • IJ Reilly
    Jul 10, 11:15 AM
    I'm going to a MFA writing program in the fall; would love to see how this turns out. I use Word exclusively but can't shake the feeling that there's a better way to do things.

    There already is. ;)

    nike air force 1. Air Force 1 up to par with
  • Air Force 1 up to par with

  • Themaeds
    May 4, 06:37 AM
    pfft, this should not be front page news, hell not even second page... just a bunch of hearsay from a CR that knows nothing about it and speculates BS.

    Just like 99% of the people who post on this board

    nike air force 1. of the Nike Air Force 1,
  • of the Nike Air Force 1,

  • tigress666
    May 2, 02:21 AM
    my fear is the democrats will try to use this a political gain and that is so very wrong both to the military and for this good event.

    It turns a great event into worthless BS. It was just luck of the draw that a Dem was in power when this happen and it was only a matter of time. I already am watching some people try to turn it into political gain and it makes me sick.

    Oh, like Bush didn't use 9/11 to get all of what he wanted done? 9/11 was a gift to Bush and he fully used it to full effect. If I were into crazy conspiracies I'd believe the rumor that he knew it was going to happen and did nothing. I mean after all it was a great way of encouraging us to get to Iraq where he really wanted to be (Funny how he quickly shifted his focus to Iraq). And also do stuff like introduce the Patriot Act all in the name of protecting us from the terrorists. Great, who is protecting us from our government and our own stupidity for letting the government do whatever they wanted in the name of protecting us from the terrorists (warrantless wiretapping anyone)? The terrorists won, we did exactly what they were hoping for.

    So now I gotta ask, now that we got him do we still have to be in the middle east? I thought that was the whole reason why we were in there in the first place. Secondly, can we get rid of the patriot act now and go back to wiretapping being illegal if you don't have a warrant?

    Oh wait, once government gets power over something, good luck taking it away. I just want to slap the Republicans now complaining about the powers given to the government from when they were in power now that the opposition is in power (what, did they expect that the government would only have those powers when the people they liked were in power? Though I'm betting they always thought the people they liked would be in control. And yes, I've seen people who were telling me why was I worried about warrantless wiretapping if I had nothing to hide and the government was only trying to protect us from the terrorists who then got all paranoid about what the government was doing once Obama came into power).

    ALL OF THEM will use this as validation or some type of proof that we need to "stay the course" on our un-winnable wars.

    If anything this will have just made our foreign policy situation worse. Get ready for the blowback, because this event definitely pissed off some extremists.


    This solves nothing. What would really solve something is getting to the roots of why they hate the US so much or why many of them are so easily manipulated into thinking we are the enemy.

    I'm not sure stuffing a corpse with candy is very hygienic. ;)

    Seriously, though, we're going to treat him like Hector? Like he was some great hero worthy of our wrath and opprobrium?

    I disagree, we should wrap him in an army blanket and bury Bin Laden in an unmarked grave; the man's had enough celebrity already.

    Agreed. I think that this is a much better way of treating him. It's far more insulting to just not even give him the dignity of a marked grave but treat him as a total nobody.

    nike air force 1. Nike Air Force 1 – Air Jordan
  • Nike Air Force 1 – Air Jordan

  • Surely
    Sep 14, 08:10 AM

    Friggin' awesome.


    nike air force 1. Nike Air Force 1
  • Nike Air Force 1

  • Ish
    Apr 13, 03:32 AM
    Looks like a Strangler Fig. There is interesting info in the Wiki link below.

    Ficus aurea (


    Thanks, Dale! It says it's native to Florida too. Having done a fair amount of botany I like to know what things are. :) They looked quite magical at night.

    nike air force 1. The new Nike Air Force 1 Low
  • The new Nike Air Force 1 Low

  • lgreenberg
    Apr 28, 04:40 PM
    Confirmed by another OEM white iPhone owner.

    nike air force 1. 1 Nike Air Force
  • 1 Nike Air Force

  • adztaylor
    Apr 14, 04:50 AM
    If it did come out end of April. People will still buy it. Some people simply just don't know about Apple release cycles and will see it and jump to it if their contract is up.

    Wow, really? So he's got a White iPhone 4? Did you see it? :) haha.

    nike air force 1. Nike Air Force One [Olympic]
  • Nike Air Force One [Olympic]

  • FX4568
    Apr 17, 07:04 PM
    The CPU would be considerably faster, but the graphics ughh lol. The only way I can see myself grabbing a new one this year is if it comes with some type of integrated 3G plan similar to the iPad, then I'd consider downgrading the GPU.

    Idk how the CPU would be considerably faster than a 2.13 GHz core2duo.
    The only bright side to this upgrade is the fact that battery might last extra :30 -1:00 hour.

    Does this mean we might see thunderbolt in the new MBA? (which i dont even care)
    If the CPU processing is really that faster than the 2.13 I would like to know since I ordered an MBA yesterday :P

    nike air force 1. Nike Air Force 1 Supreme //
  • Nike Air Force 1 Supreme //

  • southernpaws
    Apr 23, 11:30 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    The fact is, we've been through this before. The iPhone 1 was going to be a huge failure because it didn't have 3G. They were concerned about coverage and battery life. It's the same issue now.

    People are saying apple should make those sacrifices now to keep up with technology. But nobody is addressing the fact that apple has historical evidence that this is a sound approach.

    So many people just love to see every issue from the Apple perspective. There are people who get paid for that. Should not you - as a consumer - care more about the gadget you want than Apple success?

    Using two separate chips eats battery life. Not to mention LTE is still "just" coming out, so it won't be widespread enough to take advantage of it until 2012 anyway.

    Apple does not have to use two chips. They could just design separate phone for Verizon (just like iPhone 4) which does not support GSM. Not ideal but that's where technology is today. At least Verizon customers could enjoy iPhone 5 with LTE.

    Im a shareholder. Similar to many others here that you mindlessly dismiss

    nike air force 1. Nike Air Force 1 Mid Canvas
  • Nike Air Force 1 Mid Canvas

  • iJon
    May 2, 01:31 AM
    Oh yeah, the game is over. This will be seen as Obama doing what Bush could not, no matter what. Everyone at Fox News has to be crying in their beer right now.

    I highly doubt anyone at Fox News is crying. Some of the message boards I browse that are predominantly Republican are even tipping their hat to Obama for accomplishing it.

    For this rare and special day everyone can set aside their politician differences and just celebrate as Americans, not political parties.

    nike air force 1. Nike Air Force 1 – April + May
  • Nike Air Force 1 – April + May

  • oldwatery
    Apr 22, 04:18 PM
    I'm confused :confused:
    I thought the latest rumor was for the 5 to retain the form factor of the 4 with no redesign till the 6 next year.
    I like what I see here and will definitely be a player for it when and if it materializes.
    I don't like the 4's thick and heavy look at all so for me this is a step in the right direction.

    nike air force 1. x 1World Nike Air Force 1
  • x 1World Nike Air Force 1

  • lilo777
    Apr 23, 12:05 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Im a shareholder. Similar to many others here that you mindlessly dismiss

    I have nothing against Apple shareholders (both shorts and longs :D). It's just this is not a forum for them. This is their forum:

    nike air force 1. 3M Nike Air Force One Supreme
  • 3M Nike Air Force One Supreme

  • CQd44
    Apr 22, 09:36 PM
    Samsung gets on my nerves.

    I wonder how many other users think this solely because Apple doesn't like them.

    nike air force 1. Nike Air Force 1 Low Premium
  • Nike Air Force 1 Low Premium

  • maclaptop
    Apr 22, 11:01 AM
    Of all the things that iPhone needs soon, LTE is not one of them.

    We can all wait until its widespread, and usable.
    Speak for yourself.

    Small minded thinking is not something I subscribe to.

    nike air force 1. Air Force 1
  • Air Force 1

  • Crusader
    Sep 12, 11:54 PM
    I think the price has to do with it being not just hand made in general, but also hand stitched. They were telling me that hand stitching is stronger and easier to repair over what any machine can do, but takes a lot longer to do. They're really down to earth folks. Just a younger couple trying to make a living at a trade.

    I want to have 1 or 2 but unfortunately I'm from Hong Kong. Not sure if they ship them oversea.

    nike air force 1. nike Air Force 1 Mid shoes
  • nike Air Force 1 Mid shoes

  • leekohler
    May 1, 11:31 PM
    I think Trump, Fox News and the Tea Partiers already completed that for them

    Well yeah- pretty much. :)

    Nov 10, 03:41 PM
    just goes to show people still want to be able to see flash on their iphones reguardless of how bloated

    I got it just to test it out, and I suspect many others did the same.

    Processing Flash on a server means the bloat isn't on the phone, so this doesn't actually mean people want flash at any cost. That said, click to flash would be nice, but we'll never see it.

    Nov 3, 06:19 PM
    Right, and Cocoa isn't the slightest bit bloated? :rolleyes: (can you say runtime messaging and binding overhead?)

    I'm not saying that the actual virtualization should be done in Cocoa (ha yeah right), but the GUI definitely should. Parallels takes way too long to launch, and the GUI sucks.

    Plus, do you really think a Qt C++ wrapper around Carbon is faster than direct Cocoa calls? :rolleyes:

    I just want a nice documented-based Cocoa app that behaves like a Mac app, with a fast virtualization at its core :)

    Apr 24, 07:06 PM
    Of course not. They aren't the local constabulary.

    I should hope that nobody performs CPR should someone collapse, since Macdonalds staff aren't medically trained.

    Apr 27, 04:49 AM
    That video is disgusting for a million reasons, which have all already been brought up in this thread, so I won't bring them up again. I'm glad the victim is all right, I was worried there might be some serious damage.

    Also, just wanted to weigh in on the "big hands" thing - I'm a woman, born a woman, never any question about it, but my hands are as big as most men's, especially considering I'm only 5'4". So are you going to beat me up just in case I'm a man?

    I'll just put this out there: People who freak you out are not necessarily a threat to you, no matter how much they freak you out. And just because someone's sexual/gender preferences are outside your definition of normal does NOT mean that they're a frigging pedophile. That is such a leap in logic it's making my head spin. It's also really offensive. It's just as offensive as if I assumed that because of your race (whatever it is), you're more likely to molest MY child. That's not fair, is it? Doesn't make sense, does it? So you shouldn't make that assumption about a transgender person, either.

    And don't give me any of this "race isn't a choice but gender is" BS. That's a common excuse and it's an incorrect assumption. Nobody would choose to live as a gender they didn't identify with if they didn't feel they needed to. If you've ever lived and struggled with something you were mortified to let anyone know, you'd have more sympathy for this transgendered woman. It must be nice to be you, but not everybody has it so great. Show a little empathy and don't automatically assume everyone is out to get you.

    Oh, and using the "you don't have kids so you don't know" argument is the biggest load of ********* I can imagine. But it's nice to know that when I'm finally a parent, it means I can become an absolutely horrible human being. No better role model for a kid than a close-minded bigot, I always say.

    Apr 23, 09:42 AM
    Perhaps. But it should be noted that at one time Apple didn't have any interest in making different sizes/models of iPods either. Or CDMA phones. Point being, things change.

    Those models have very distinct differences. A nano is very different from a touch, which are both different from a shuffle, etc. For each iDevice paradigm, it has clear differences between the other products and market segments.

    CDMA is a poor example because it's transparent to the user. It has almost 0 effect on user experience and does not even begin to identify a product category.

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