Thursday, May 19, 2011 Lorry
  • Lorry

  • Plymouthbreezer
    May 2, 12:15 AM
    Anyone outside the US — especially the east coast... Boston, NYC, Washington — will feel different than we do. 9/11 hit us hard. I'm not saying other folks weren't (and aren't) affected, but for me, it's not political, it's not about any election or foreign policy: it's what happen to us. United 175 and American 11 flew over my city, my head, and those on board would be dead just minutes later. We lived it first hand, we saw the destruction and cried and prayed and live with reminders every day. We can't just "move on" or "forget." I was 11, but I remember and relive it as vividly as yesterday.

    There's a sense of satisfaction that could only come with this news: a sense of achievement and resilience, of resolve and determination. It's not the end of the war, it's not the end of terrorism, and we all know that. It is however, the end of a trying decade that defined many aspects of many peoples lives.

  • NoExpectations
    Sep 30, 02:33 PM
    The two biggest complaint areas are NY and San Fran. I bet if you took any phone, on any network, and drove around town thru hills and valleys (San Fran) and steel/concrete structures (San Fran and NY), you would have the same drop rate.

    Physics is physics. Wireless signals do not like to propagate through steel, concrete, tinted windows, passing Semi's, etc. FOTOSEARCH.CO.UK - Page 5

  • Sky Blue
    Mar 31, 10:26 AM
    I hope like Address Book, you can change it back.

  • ikir
    Apr 12, 03:27 AM
    USB3 is sucky as USB2, fast on sheet, slow in reality.

    Thunderbolt is more like FireWire, fast as hell! You can target mode with thunderbolt, and future SSD external drives or raid will benefit a lot from Thunderbolt.

    USB3 on Mac is useless, just need a Thunderbolt -> USB 3 adapter in case you need to plug an USB3 device and wanting native speed.

    more... internet
  • internet

  • trip1ex
    May 3, 08:53 AM
    Wow amazing!

    Quad core on the low end and a decent gpu.

    I'm in.

    I thought they would nerf the gpu if they went quad on the low end.

  • gnasher729
    Dec 2, 10:19 AM
    i don't understand why everyone is ignoring this guys' post. i'm not a computer engineer, so can someone with the right knowledge explain this a bit more? is it really adware or just a bug? :)

    I'll try to explain this: Someone can create a Disk Image File that is intentionally corrupt. They can put it on a webpage from where you could download it, and if you do that, Safari will try to mount the disk image file and then Things Go Wrong. But nothing at all can happen if you don't visit that webpage.

    Now Apple can't do anything about that corrupted Disk Image File. The best that Apple can do is try to mount it, figure out that it is corrupted, and tell you that it is corrupted. This is what should have happened, it didn't happen, and that is a bug that Apple should fix. The question is: What damage can happen?

    In this case, it has been examined, and the result is that there will be a Kernel Panic. That means your Macintosh will crash. Nothing else can possibly happen, the only possible result is a Kernel Panic. Sounds bad, but all that happens is that you have to restart your computer. About the same as if I unplugged the power cable of your Macintosh. The same thing will happen again if you try to mount the disk image again, or if you go to the same wegpage again. But you wouldn't do that, right? And if you visit the webpage again, you will learn quickly not to do that, right?

    The important thing is, there is no security risk. Nobody can use this to install a virus or adware on your computer. They can use it to crash your computer - once if you are clever, twice if you are not quite so clever, but not more often. They can't do anything but crash the computer.


  • LethalWolfe
    Apr 12, 08:33 PM
    Thanks, just saw it.

    Kind of surprised it's such a late thing... doesn't Apple tend to do events at 10 AM, not 10 PM? (I guess it's still only 7 PM on their coast... still, isn't it time to go home by now for their employees?)
    It's not an Apple event, it's a user group event.


  • Blorzoga
    May 4, 05:21 AM
    pfft, this should not be front page news, hell not even second page... just a bunch of hearsay from a CR that knows nothing about it and speculates BS.

    Yeah, customer service reps are always soooo reliable.


  • rovex
    Apr 28, 04:51 PM

    It's called "the principle". ;)

  • anthonylambert
    Apr 14, 04:02 AM
    The next operating system version of Mac Os would be XI as in 11. That isn't very Apple like and could easily be changed to iX could it not?

    I'm going for Lion being able to run iOS apps.... using a rosetta like Arm emulator connecting to a native Intel compiled IOS library/cocoaTouch layer.

    more... ranks
  • ranks

  • Dont Hurt Me
    Oct 18, 07:29 PM
    Step 1: Buy Mac mini.
    Step 2: Repeat mantra "Mac mini is the new Cube, and I don't care about the integrated graphics" 5000 times.
    Step 3: Enjoy!
    Allready have a Mini but Im going to stick with this chant ,Apple will build a consumer tower, Apple will Build a Consumer Tower,APPLE WILL BUILD A CONSUMER TOWER!:)

  • Eidorian
    Nov 3, 10:30 AM
    There is a PPC version but it will only run the PPC version of Windows.NT 3.51? 4? LOL

    All these VMWare features are really nice. Then again I bought Parallels for $29 + tax after rebate. Give me more features Parallels! :D


  • yellow
    Dec 4, 03:50 PM
    Personally I voted no, not because I am ignorant, but because there wasn't a more appropriate answer. It is my job to be concerned about all aspects of computing, but I am NO MORE concerned because of this "month of kernel bugs" than I was before the month of November. I also I find it highly unlikely that I will be nipped by any of these bugs shoehorned into malware before they are wiped clean by a security update. to contribute
  • to contribute

  • rans0m00
    Apr 22, 05:48 PM
    if this turned out to be the next iPhone I might buy one before upgrade time is up. The square look of my iP4 is nice but I would love for it to appear to have less bulk. Yes I know its small already but that's what people were saying when we moved from the bag phone to the bar phone.


  • addicted44
    Apr 22, 04:25 PM
    My favorite iPhone design was the first one. Bring back the aluminum and rounded sides. It's not comfortable to hold this iPhone 4 brick!

    Currently using the original iPhone (don't ask...I lost an iPhone 4, and a 3GS, and thought it better to wait till iPhone 5 before springing a decent sum of money for a new one), the aluminum looks seriously dated.

    Although, maybe it will look a lot sweeter if they made it iPod Touch thin...

  • rmwebs
    Apr 26, 05:04 PM
    LOL you didn't even know about the outage until i posted a link. now it was just some tiny network glitch that wasn't the run of the mill ;)

    did i ever say apple's was gonna be the biggest and the baddest? the funny thing is....i use amazon vod all the time on my naw, i'm not really an apple fanboy but thanks for assuming.

    Then what the hell was the point in your little rant?! Your whole argument was based on a rare outage. My original point was that Amazons 10 datacenters will work better than Apples point still stands.

    FYI: I was very aware of the outage. I run a cloud virtualization (Xen based) company built on S3, GoGrid and Rackspace.


  • IJ Reilly
    Jul 10, 05:45 PM
    Part of the problem is the way they market it. There was such an emphasis on templates and graphic-intensive stuff when it was first demoed in MacWorld 2005 that it's hard to think it can be a good word processor. My first thought was how it looked 100x better than Microsoft Publisher.

    Again, I think this latest rumor shows that Apple will address some of the perceptions (or misperceptions, depending on who you ask) by allowing people to dive into word processing mode and adding better search and research functions. It just might make me a convert.

    I entirely agree with you on these points. Apple is barely marketing iWork at all, let alone in a way which would help people understand its value. At MW last January I made a point of mentioning the Mac owner confusion over what Pages does to one of the reps on the floor who was demonstrating the new version. He also happened to be on the Pages programming team. (Which game me an opportunity to show him a bug I'd found. :))

    He seemed surprised to be hearing what I was telling him, and I wasn't entirely sure he believed me in the end, but perhaps this rumor reflects some understanding on Apple's part that they're not getting the message out about these applications, particularly Pages. Maybe they'll get serious about marketing in version 3.

    One other thing, I think Apple ought to be bundling iWork with most if not all of their systems, and not necessarily because we like to get free booty. The more Mac owners used iWork, the more who would see the value in forking out for the upgrades. This is exactly how Apple already markets iLife, so why they're not doing this for iWork is just plain mystifying. DramaInTheSky Fotosearch Stock
  • DramaInTheSky Fotosearch Stock

  • Tones2
    Apr 22, 10:53 AM
    I'd be highly skeptical if Apple will introduce LTE compatable chips even in 2012. Usually Apple takes it's time to implement technologies that all other phone makers in the market have implemented. They focus on ease of use and to the point where you don't even notice the technology (et. al. there latest iPad 2 commercial) They'll probably delay any LTE implementation until 2013.

    How do you "notice the 4G technology" on current 4G phone? It just works. Jeez...give me a break here with just canned statements. :rolleyes:


  • ThaDoggg
    Apr 22, 05:03 PM
    I really like the teardrop design of this iPhone. Not too sure what to think about the gesture based home button. Could be a hit or a flop...can hardly wait to see a demo if this is the real deal. But like with all rumours, chances are it's not real.

    Apr 23, 10:13 PM
    Interesting that after last year's "lost phone" debacle we see another "leaked" phone at around the same time as last year. I really thought that wasn't going to be the case anymore with Apple's phones. And considering that the iPhone 4S/5 is being rumored to be released in September, I find the timing far more surprising. I like surprises, though.

    Doctor Q
    Jun 6, 01:23 AM
    How long after you make a purchase does the App Store remember your password so you don't have to enter it again? I presume that's what happened in this case.

    May 1, 10:30 PM
    Intel sources state that Osama was kill during bombing in Pakistan with the complicity of Pakistani Intelligence. Also various governments have been alerted to possible retaliation against western targets.

    Apr 22, 07:03 PM
    Not sure if anyone said this earlier but what about a liquid metal enclosure. That ought to keep dents and scratches away and allow for a thinner design.

    Edit: If it is gonna be Liquid Metal then this might be the iPhone 6 not the iPhone 5. Then in a similar way Joshua Topolsky was wrong about the iPad 2 with retina - he was getting rumors for a device that is further down the pike.

    Apr 11, 02:23 PM
    Could this be the eventual end of usb altogether?

    nope...USB is gonna be here longer than the floppy disk. USB's already got 15+ years under it's belt. Floppy disk essentially was here from 1978-2000 for the personal computer market. Roughly. 22 years.

    Although USB 3.0 is certainly welcome for the faster speeds, it is really not needed for some devices like keyboards, mice, and printers. Again, everyone loves speed, but going to 3.0 is not a need for many devices. Not to mention that going to 3.0 is backwards compatible so there is far far less risk for someone to invest in 3.0 than to move to TB.

    My bet is USB will be here easily until 2025...but of course other technologies may limit USB's importance (and thus USB may be for the basic stuff like mouse, keyboards, etc)

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