Thursday, May 19, 2011

fotosearch pictures

fotosearch pictures. maid_logo
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  • damixt
    Mar 16, 09:43 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    They let us inside of Cerritos today looks like they might have some, about 50 people in line.

    fotosearch pictures. fotosearch .com.
  • fotosearch .com.

  • fatboyslick
    May 4, 05:07 AM
    Even if Apple and Google both make money from ads and apps... Apple still gets $600 per phone.

    Apple has the right idea :D

    "Android" can have their marketshare... I don't think it bothers Apple in the least.

    That's the point though - to compensate for the lack of profits from hardware sales, Google flood the market with their OS to make up their margins through ads and apps.

    Apple are bothered and hence tried to make it more attractive for developers to use Apple over Android through Ad-Sense, thus reducing the attractiveness of Googles OS

    In the end they'll probably make similar amounts of money but through slightly different routes

    fotosearch pictures. Fotosearch Platinum Footage
  • Fotosearch Platinum Footage

  • shtoat
    Apr 13, 07:42 PM
    Finally! It's been almost a day since the last ******* iOS rumour.

    fotosearch pictures. Fotosearch Platinum Footage
  • Fotosearch Platinum Footage

  • lilo777
    Apr 22, 02:42 PM
    Make up your mind. Either they are using the chips now, or they aren't. People were clamoring for mobile quad cores and now they have them. What CPU are they not using now that users want in mobile computers?

    Now they are. The problem is it took them a couple of years. They waited until Intel produced mobile chips that "suit" them instead of producing a Mac that could use available quad core mobile chips. And we are not even talking about minor details like Apple never using the most powerful versions of CPUs (for example, there is no MBPs with SandyBridge/2920XM).


    fotosearch pictures. Fotosearch Platinum Footage
  • Fotosearch Platinum Footage

  • Stiss
    Mar 31, 03:49 PM
    They are not killing iChat in favor of FaceTime? Glad to hear! I love iChat and was a little bit concerned about its future.

    I need iChat on my iPad. It's the only thing missing in my eyes!

    fotosearch pictures. PRICE / INFO Foto search Stock
  • PRICE / INFO Foto search Stock

  • mikes63737
    Aug 15, 09:33 PM
    NO one uses iChat because no one uses AIM. Its all crappy MSN!

    Around here AIM is all anyone uses...

    It's starting to look really interesting. I'm extremely happy that Time Machine is optional... I don't delete anything unless I'm sure I won't need it. And, I back up my home folder to my server about every week, and I keep it for about a month and then delete it.

    I also hope that there's different themes... like brushed metal, soft metal, aqua, etc.


    fotosearch pictures. veya Eating fotosearch the
  • veya Eating fotosearch the

  • petemitchell2k4
    Oct 24, 08:23 AM
    Those who bought their Computer in August should be happy with what they got since that was what was the best available at the time. And what are you talking about not in the forecast? The previous revision was here for just over 6 months. From April 2006 to October 2006. How long do you want Apple to go with out updates?

    The processor upgrades, not the OS upgrades.

    fotosearch pictures. Fotosearch Platinum Footage
  • Fotosearch Platinum Footage

  • nishioka
    Apr 28, 04:19 PM
    I LOLed. Episode was a bit too silly IMO.

    A bit?? :D


    fotosearch pictures. Fotosearch Platinum Footage
  • Fotosearch Platinum Footage

  • alent1234
    May 3, 08:31 AM
    good to see the high end iMac has a more respectable GPU this time. thunder bolt this, thunder bolt that. If I got it, I probably won't put it to use for a long while. My 2010 i5 Quad is still kickin' speedily so I'll just wait for another 2 years till there's a freshly designed iMac. I'm most impressed with the GPU upgrade this time around. 256bit/1 or 2 gig DDR5. That's pretty sweet.

    just to compare i configured a dell xps desktop and the iMac beats it on price and performance

    fotosearch pictures. Fotosearch Platinum Footage -
  • Fotosearch Platinum Footage -

  • renewed
    Sep 15, 07:37 PM

    WHAT... is that? :eek:


    fotosearch pictures. Fotosearch Platinum Footage
  • Fotosearch Platinum Footage

  • rdowns
    Oct 19, 01:35 PM
    "Dump" huh? Methinks you don't trade stocks much. It's up over 6% now. Analysts = a dime a dozen.:rolleyes:

    At a dime, they are overpriced, just like Macs. :D

    fotosearch pictures. offers from Fotosearch stock
  • offers from Fotosearch stock

  • Jswoosh
    Apr 26, 12:19 AM
    So this tomorrow right? :p

    Ok I guess I'll have to wait another week. (Assuming this is accurate).


    fotosearch pictures. fotosearch gold fotosearch
  • fotosearch gold fotosearch

  • motulist
    Apr 22, 04:41 PM
    Super sexy design.

    fotosearch pictures. Foto search Stock Photography
  • Foto search Stock Photography

  • hamis92
    Apr 22, 04:41 PM
    I agree. I think iPhone 5 will be if not literally then at least from feature perspective "iPhone 4S".

    And I agree with you. I think it would make sense to call it iPhone 5 though - I think the "ProductName ProductVersion#" naming convention Apple has started using lately makes a lot of sense and is way simpler to understand for the average Joe than something like iPhone 3GS.


    fotosearch pictures. Fotosearch Platinum Footage
  • Fotosearch Platinum Footage

  • Yamcha
    Apr 13, 01:54 PM
    I don't mind as long as the pricing is competitive, if its over-priced no way I'll be getting one..

    fotosearch pictures. Fotosearch royalty-free clip
  • Fotosearch royalty-free clip

  • fabian9
    Apr 22, 04:23 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    That looks sexy. I dont think they'll be able to go back to a metallic back though because they'd struggle to put antennas anywhere else than the back...


    fotosearch pictures.

  • IJ Reilly
    Jul 10, 05:45 PM
    Part of the problem is the way they market it. There was such an emphasis on templates and graphic-intensive stuff when it was first demoed in MacWorld 2005 that it's hard to think it can be a good word processor. My first thought was how it looked 100x better than Microsoft Publisher.

    Again, I think this latest rumor shows that Apple will address some of the perceptions (or misperceptions, depending on who you ask) by allowing people to dive into word processing mode and adding better search and research functions. It just might make me a convert.

    I entirely agree with you on these points. Apple is barely marketing iWork at all, let alone in a way which would help people understand its value. At MW last January I made a point of mentioning the Mac owner confusion over what Pages does to one of the reps on the floor who was demonstrating the new version. He also happened to be on the Pages programming team. (Which game me an opportunity to show him a bug I'd found. :))

    He seemed surprised to be hearing what I was telling him, and I wasn't entirely sure he believed me in the end, but perhaps this rumor reflects some understanding on Apple's part that they're not getting the message out about these applications, particularly Pages. Maybe they'll get serious about marketing in version 3.

    One other thing, I think Apple ought to be bundling iWork with most if not all of their systems, and not necessarily because we like to get free booty. The more Mac owners used iWork, the more who would see the value in forking out for the upgrades. This is exactly how Apple already markets iLife, so why they're not doing this for iWork is just plain mystifying.

    fotosearch pictures. fotosearch favicon more
  • fotosearch favicon more

  • zync
    Jul 28, 11:03 AM
    When Microsoft claim that their investment might not pay off for five years, they're paving the way for failure. For the next two or three years, when pressed about the lack of profits, they can claim that the payoff will be in a couple of years from then. They won't have to actually admit that they've failed until after 2010. It's not dissimilar to Bill Gates claiming that there's an 80% chance of Vista shipping on time, it sounds positive, but few people believe it actually will ship in January. It's just paving the way for the next excuse.

    It's very important that Microsoft try very hard with Zune. They keep claiming that the iPod succeeded simply because of slick marketing, whereas everybody else knows that it succeeded by being an attractive proposition, combining style with ease of use. It was word-of-mouth publicity that really worked for the iPod. You can't buy that, it added massive value to the money that was spent on advertising.

    So here's Microsoft's opportunity to look at the last five years of the iPod, together with three years of iTMS, take it all in and apply their 'innovation', show us the ultimate product and then spend a fortune marketing it. There must be no doubt that Microsoft must be seen to throw everything into this project. Then Steve Jobs will be delighted to rise to the challenge and delight in humiliating Bill Gates.

    I really like that last paragraph, lol. I seriously doubt they'll even pose competition. There was an image that was supposedly an actual Zune player, and if it is it's already paving the road for failure.

    Honestly Microsoft will fail, and it's not because they are going to take forever to show anyone anything. Microsoft will fail because it doesn't understand the demographic it is trying to produce a product for. Microsoft may cater to business and such, but in the eyes of teenagers, many of whom are anti-establishment, Microsoft is simply not cool. Not only is Microsoft uncool, it doesn't understand what IS cool.

    Meanwhile, Apple is a huge corporation, and yet even people who hate large corporation love Apple. Apple knows how to market. Apple continuously sets the standard for good design year in, year out.

    Steve Jobs is cool. He's funny. Most people just think Bill Gates, though simply a figurehead now, is the devil (despite that recent huge charitable donation). Steve Ballmer is an oaf. Microsoft has neither the image or the talent to fight this battle. Hell, they've even started to slowly lose the grip on the industry that once held them so dear�business computing.

    fotosearch pictures. Research shows that there are
  • Research shows that there are

  • Pegamush
    Apr 14, 03:46 PM
    In the mean time, might get the white one for my girl, she's still on my old 3G and it hurts me to see her still using that thing.

    just because a new device is out doesn't mean your old one dosen't work anymore / you suddenly need it..

    Give me some wise decision guys�

    I am badly in need for a new iDevice. My last device was the iPod Touch 1st Generation. I am planning to get both the iPhone and iPad, but will only get one now and wait for the other one in the next update.

    So which is better now?

    Get iPhone 4 White, and wait for iPad 3�
    Get iPad 2, and wait for iPhone 5?

    I am leaning towards the first option because the iPhone 4 feels like a revolution while the iPad 2 feels like a small upgrade and I wish it has a retina screen. But on the other hand, the iPhone 4 feels old now and iPad 2 just released.

    badly in need of something and you don't even know what you need? iphone and ipad are two completely different things...

    seriously, it really seems people buy apple eyes closed, without even thinking about their (supposed) needs. if you want to be cool, and you can afford it, then it's ok, otherwise you're just victims of the advertising and rumoring.
    didn't want to offend anyone, just want to make people think a bit before spending their money.

    Nov 5, 10:58 AM
    Has anybody been able to install Vista in vmware fusion. I installed it but I had trouble installing the vmware installation tools.

    Jul 21, 11:35 AM
    Phil Schiller recently that it isn't going to happen. "absolutely not, the R&D would be prohibitive and we�re not going to do it. Our solution is dual boot." ( At the same time, they are happy to promote Parallels (

    schiller also said � i think the day before boot camp was announced � that apple wouldn't prevent users from putting windows on the intel macs, but they wouldn't facilitate it either.

    apple is notorious for saying one thing and then turning around and doing the exact opposite the video ipod being a perfect example. i'm not saying it will happen, i'm just saying don't put much stock in comments from apple execs regarding future products.

    Apr 22, 09:34 AM
    Many get garbage 3G speeds on AT&T in many areas anyway, so what's the point of having a 4G iPhone that GSM provider (insert AT&T) in the US can't even support on a mass basis?

    Jul 12, 05:24 PM
    God if those pics are right, I say... welcome to 2002 Microsoft!

    It looks like a mix between a Rio MP3 player and a 3rd gen iPod

    it's prototype.. unless it's a a fake of course. If they manage to seamlessly integrate this into Windows they've a good chance to beat the **** out of the iPod (so far, all the hardware that Microsoft produces is great.. I'm using a Microsoft Natural keyboard as well as a Microsoft Bluetooth mouse with my Powerbook).

    May 3, 11:53 PM
    Change is good.

    With the iPhones overwhelming success, if this is true, it's nothing but good news.

    This will also teach impulse control to many.

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