Friday, May 20, 2011

802 11 Frame

802 11 Frame. F5D8232-4 802.11/g/n
  • F5D8232-4 802.11/g/n

  • Tanglewood
    Sep 12, 02:35 PM
    Well $349 is a lot better price than the $600 when the 60 gig iPod Photo came out two years ago.

    Been wanting to up grade this just might give me a reason since I'm beginning to max out my 60 gig.

    802 11 Frame. Channels for 802.11a
  • Channels for 802.11a

  • April Dancer
    Aug 31, 12:30 PM
    Please please please iPods or phone.

    Happy birthday to me!! :)

    *not getting excited, been here before!*

    802 11 Frame. config-802.11n-wlc3.gif
  • config-802.11n-wlc3.gif

  • AidenShaw
    Mar 29, 03:15 PM
    Love this little gem from that press release:

    Perhaps you should spend some time looking at the facts - there are non-Android Linux-based mobile systems out there.

    If you knew that, the IDC comment is spot on.

    802 11 Frame. /dc1/02/80211/80211.jpgquot;
  • /dc1/02/80211/80211.jpgquot;

  • halhiker
    Sep 14, 04:34 AM
    "A taste of things to come" being said by Jobs at the same event as the release of a way to 'type' on an iPod with just the clickwheel :rolleyes:

    I don't think there would be a great need for a numpad if dialling, SMS, etc. can all be done from this wheel?

    I currently believe that if one is on the way, it would look a lot more like the iPod video of today than we think.

    EDIT: Picture.
    I have to think this is VERY possible. Why is a num pad even needed in most cases? I know who I want to call. I have their number synced from my address book. I scroll down to their name and press call. No dialing needed.

    802 11 Frame. Find the 802.11 frame
  • Find the 802.11 frame

  • ickies
    Sep 19, 03:15 PM
    jeez, thats about 10x what i would have expected.

    a lot of people I have talked to thought that it was "crazy" to expect people to wait 30+mins to download a movie.

    couldn't apple develop something into itunes that lets you watch while it is downloading? is this possible?

    I'm also really surprised by these numbers but that's a really good idea you mentioned!

    If it takes a few minutes to buffer before the movie starts, why not have the option of watching lower-res movie trailers while you wait? If the studios are willing to pay for the advertising, it could even subsidize the purchase a little bit and maybe Apple could knock a buck off the price.

    802 11 Frame. 802.11n Wi-Fi Router
  • 802.11n Wi-Fi Router

  • iStudentUK
    Apr 11, 03:41 AM
    55 miles per US gallon ;). Thats 70 miles per imperial gallon as US gallons are smaller.

    Damn stupid unit systems! What is this, the dark ages?! :mad:

    70 mpg (UK ones) is high, 50-60 is quite normal I'd say.

    Why can't we finally all switch to metric?!

    802 11 Frame. testing a large 802.11n
  • testing a large 802.11n

  • MattyMac
    Aug 23, 05:13 PM
    Who's Creative? :rolleyes:

    802 11 Frame. cantenna 802. 11 g / b
  • cantenna 802. 11 g / b

  • TomCondon
    Mar 30, 12:08 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    There's a place in my town called "fresh fish".

    Now THAT is a generic term.

    802 11 Frame. Wifly-Tone 11N 802.11B/G/N
  • Wifly-Tone 11N 802.11B/G/N

  • patseguin
    Sep 12, 02:16 PM
    Are these enhancements in software, so my existing 5G iPod video will reap the benefits of games, gapless, movies, etc.?

    802 11 Frame. Digitus 802.11n wireless USB
  • Digitus 802.11n wireless USB

  • ChristianJapan
    Apr 22, 08:05 AM
    If I can stream and download to a iDevice I would be a happy camper. Should be users choice based on need. Streaming in many cases will not make it.

    And SJ knows soon WHAT you listen WHERE and WHEN and HOW OFTEN. I'm sure there is marketing to be done. At least when iPhone or iPad are used.

    802 11 Frame. Tags: 802.11ac, 802.11ac
  • Tags: 802.11ac, 802.11ac

  • koobcamuk
    Jan 2, 03:27 PM
    Anti-virus software company in "there is a virus" headline shocker.

    Whatever next? Insurance companies telling you that your house needs insurance?

    802 11 Frame. 802.11g WLAN USB Dongle Driver
  • 802.11g WLAN USB Dongle Driver

  • zz5555
    Sep 9, 08:57 AM
    Well, wasn't the iMac G5 restricted to 2GB, yet it was a 64-bit processor? A 32-bit computer can take up to 4GB, but due to the hardware Apple was/is using, they can't even take this.

    What i find odd is that it appears to allow 1 or 2GB in either slot, but no more than 3GB in total. That is obviously the maximum the board can take, but it would have made a little more sense to allow 2GB in each. This will not really effect it's ability to run 64-bit software, just restricts how much memory can be used. Remember that you have been able to get AMD systems with 64-bit processors for some time now. They won't take more than 4GB, but will allow you to run 64-bit OSes and Apps.

    I suspect that it will take 2GB in each and you will get more than 3GB total, then. But HW addresses are going to eat up some of the 4GB total address space, so you're not going to get all 4GB. (Apple could restrict things to just 3GB regardless, although I can't see any reason for them to do so.) I suspect the 3GB is just a marketing move. After all, they wouldn't want to advertise something like "for an extra $500 we'll stick in a 2nd 2GB stick to give you an extra .1 GB of memory!"

    I'd hoped for a full 64 bit system, though that probably wasn't realistic in the time frame. I'm not buying until January, so we'll see what comes out at MacWorld (which I think I'll actually go to this year) and then I'll decide. All in all, I think I'd be very happy with the 24" model (with a 2nd display).


    802 11 Frame. Maximum 802.11g Speed
  • Maximum 802.11g Speed

  • smazany
    Jul 14, 11:52 AM
    I just bought a Macbook, what does this news mean to me? How much more powerful is Conroe compared to my own Core Duo? Can anyone direct me to some benchmarks of Conroe that are being put against the Core Duo?

    802 11 Frame. Our top quality 802.11g
  • Our top quality 802.11g

  • aristotle
    Nov 13, 05:08 PM
    So I guess this puts every iPhone VNC client in violation of Apple's terms as it would be displaying Apple copyrighted images...

    I'm on RA's side on this one!
    No, VNC displaying the entire screen from the computer and Apple has a built in VNC server in their OS. This is a matter of taking the icon images themselves and using them for another purpose in a client/server application rather than in an app running on the mac itself. It is a clear case of copyright infringement. RA could have avoided all of this by simply providing their own licensed icons.

    @guet: You should read what you wrote. You are proving yourself wrong with your own points. They are licensed for use on a mac, not for distribution to a client machine be it an iphone, Blackberry or Android.

    802 11 Frame. 12 months. Portable 3G
  • 12 months. Portable 3G

  • jonnysods
    Apr 14, 01:15 PM
    Guys, should I buy now or wa......

    802 11 Frame. Router-XG 802.11n Wireless
  • Router-XG 802.11n Wireless

  • kevin.rivers
    Jul 14, 01:54 PM
    Does a 1333MHz bus matter? (

    Not only is the Anandtech Article one of the better ones, they simulated a 1333 bus speed with the X6800-EE processer, and came up with an overall inprovement of 2.4%, with DivX 6.1 providing a 7.5% boost!

    Also, to quote the article:

    "If Apple does indeed use a 1333MHz Woodcrest for its new line of Intel based Macs, running Windows it may be the first time that an Apple system will be faster out of the box than an equivalently configured, non-overclocked PC. There's an interesting marketing angle."


    I like Anandtech, they are very fair to all sides and give the facts.

    802 11 Frame. with ieee802.11g, adopts.
  • with ieee802.11g, adopts.

  • Evangelion
    Aug 29, 03:37 AM
    this goes to show how behind apple is in updating.
    clearly they arent ready to adapt to an intel platform. the cant even make simple processor adjustments on time!
    all the major companies have made this transition.

    Yes, Apple is doomed because the are few days behind in announcing their new laptops :rolleyes:. Obviously hordes of people are rushing to buy Toshibas and Dells (which might not ship for several weeks, for all we know) as we speak, and unless Apple IMMEDIATELY updates their products, they are doomed. DOOMED I tells ya!

    802 11 Frame. Wi-Fi (IEEE802.11), UWB,
  • Wi-Fi (IEEE802.11), UWB,

  • cmaier
    Nov 13, 05:05 PM
    You may be right, but we haven't seen the emails or the actual rejected programs.

    Furthermore, "The Client Is Always Right", not because they are, but as a matter of principle. The client is in command.

    And I insist, Apple's model makes them the client, which I have to admit brings many benefits to the end user and the platform in general -not so many to the suppliers or developers, except maybe for the fact that it makes the end user more confident to part with their money, of which Apple has the numbers to prove.

    I don't see Apple as the client. After all, they didn't ask for the app. They didn't provide any kind of spec, or put out an RFP, or specify any guidelines as to what it should do. To me they are more of an unwanted kibbutzer looking over my shoulder. On more than one occasion I've had Apple reject updates that did things my customers really wanted, for dumb reasons (usually reasons that they could have asserted for the 20 updates I did prior to that point).

    802 11 Frame. High Power 802.11n 300Mbps
  • High Power 802.11n 300Mbps

  • kenaustus
    Mar 23, 06:14 PM
    I prefer to see the apps pulled. Some apps are best not available. Maybe we could add others, like the locations of the various whorehouses, and best corners for buying drugs.

    It certainly doesn't hurt to add to Apple's No Porn standards.

    Oct 12, 12:47 PM
    Why would a charity help women and children victims, but not men? Why not just offer help to "AIDS sufferers"?

    I'll probably come of sounding like a jerk and opening a HUGE can of worms with this, BUT...

    I'm glad somebody else was thinking what I was thinking! Why do we constantly have to place a line between men and women, black and white, American and everyone else. If we actually want equality and unity and all those wonderful things, I think it's about time we stop dilineating between groups of people.

    It can't be both ways... if women/minorities want equality in the work place, or government, or in society as a whole, there can't also be inequality in the world when it comes to things like this... men and women, black and white, straight and gay - they have to be equal across the board, or not at all. We can't have it both ways.

    That said, bravo to Apple, U2, and anyone else involved here. Anytime you can use your power and influence to raise funds and awareness - no matter the alterior motives - it's a good thing.

    Oct 27, 07:57 AM
    Good for them. If Apple needs to get its house in order then the more information the better. Time for change and it ain't gonna be cheap.

    But this particular crap from Greenpeace has already been debunked.

    They have gone from a respectable environmentalist group to a militant anti-business lobby.

    I am Green, but I am not Greenpeace!

    link at /. where this has been gone over a while ago, what a bogus Greenpeace report:

    Ivan Malagurski
    May 4, 12:38 PM
    One more amazing Apple product :)

    Sep 14, 08:26 AM
    This can be good...does look like a photo only event....but we can still hope (iPhone with great camrea ?)
    Is that wise? The camera in cellphones is at best a sorry excuse. Introducing a crappy camera at photokina... I don't know
    Still I would love to see the iPhone.

    Apr 25, 03:02 AM
    You certainly ain't the only one. Obvious troll is obvious.

    i thought this from my first post, but his join date is 08, and he's a regular. that is what has me thinking that what he is saying is really how he thinks/acts.

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