Tuesday, May 17, 2011

flowers background white

flowers background white. simple white brown floral
  • simple white brown floral

  • Jason Beck
    Apr 10, 02:30 AM
    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5146/5602392616_299b977b87_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/dailymatador/5602392616/)

    Camera Canon EOS REBEL T2i
    Exposure 0.005 sec (1/200)
    Aperture f/9.0
    Focal Length 35 mm
    ISO Speed 100

    This photo made me thirsty for some Sprite. That is a cool tree right there. Liking the colors on it alot. Could care less about the fountain. : )

    flowers background white. with white background
  • with white background

  • savar
    Oct 23, 11:23 AM
    And here I was trying to buy a legal copy of Windows from MS, granted it wasn't the latest version (however XP had just come out, so 2000 wasn't that old) and MS was telling me to pirate the software.

    That's hilarious. I was reading the other day that in addition to fighting piracy overseas, MS also uses the threat of software audit in the states to sell more licenses. They kind of say, "hey, we could come in and do an audit, or you can sign this $300 million, 5 year contract with us." A local government agency is taking option #2.

    I guess they don't care about American, residential piracy.

    flowers background white. Butterfly - White flowers
  • Butterfly - White flowers

  • mdriftmeyer
    Apr 23, 07:25 PM

    I thought AT&T's buyout means T-Mobile is going bye-bye?

    408 area code, that means cali. is that steve jobs' personal number? :P

    It does. Apple most likely is testing their Qualcomm GSM/CDMA world phone to see how well it works on their network.

    flowers background white. against white background
  • against white background

  • Doylem
    Apr 3, 02:32 PM
    Took my camera out yesterday for the first time in about four months: a bit like getting back in a car when you haven't driven for a while, to find you're thinking about something you used to do automatically...


    flowers background white. black and white flowers
  • black and white flowers

  • �algiris
    Mar 31, 01:38 PM
    I find most of the comments puerile or insane--over reacting with disdain or glee--while the major concern should be the function. I still find iCal a little limited and annoyingly so in terms of notes attached to daily functions.

    Who gives a crap how it is decorated! Make the thing work better and it will work better, and that's what matters to real people who need real organization within their lives.

    Real people? What others are unreal?

    flowers background white. Delicate red flowers on white
  • Delicate red flowers on white

  • Tones2
    Apr 22, 10:53 AM
    I'd be highly skeptical if Apple will introduce LTE compatable chips even in 2012. Usually Apple takes it's time to implement technologies that all other phone makers in the market have implemented. They focus on ease of use and to the point where you don't even notice the technology (et. al. there latest iPad 2 commercial) They'll probably delay any LTE implementation until 2013.

    How do you "notice the 4G technology" on current 4G phone? It just works. Jeez...give me a break here with just canned statements. :rolleyes:


    flowers background white. white, white background,
  • white, white background,

  • pcnot4me
    Apr 11, 08:36 AM
    Click on the thumbnail for larger.280741

    This was taken in natural light on a Canon 7D with a 70-200 f4 L lens and a macro closeup adapter.

    This is my first post to this forum. I'm looking forward to many more.
    C&C welcome. Thanks.

    flowers background white. on white background
  • on white background

  • Mac-Addict
    Oct 24, 08:49 AM
    Does it come with the trolley needed to carry it? We're talking notebooks here :)

    do you guys think i should just go ahead and buy a macbook then? i would love a MBP, but its to expensive.. im just a highschool student, and the black would really be great.

    i dont know what to do :(
    If you need it now buy it now! But when the macbooks get upgraded they may have a price drop and more ram and faster CPU and maybe even better graphics, just wait aslong as you can and if they havent had upgrades then your just gunna have to live with that..

    flowers background white. black and white flowers
  • black and white flowers

  • -SD-
    Oct 28, 05:20 PM
    It's my Birthday before Christmas. Next Friday, 5th November. The ex-Missus is getting me the new BlazBlue


    Which has unfortunately just been delayed until a couple of weeks after my 31st. :mad: Other than that, I'm getting myself a 27" Cinema Display. What I would like is a really nice knife block and set of decent chef's knives.


    flowers background white. over white background
  • over white background

  • IndyGopher
    Apr 14, 10:42 AM
    "iX" = "Ix", which is the nickname for the character Ford Prefect in the book "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy".

    Obviously, the new Apple device is either a digital watch or a towel.

    I see that name, and I think of Dune, not HHGG. Ix is the planet where all the cool machines & gadgets are made.

    flowers background white. Delicate white flowers on a
  • Delicate white flowers on a

  • tristangage
    Apr 1, 02:14 AM
    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5307/5574992009_2e52524dbd.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/tristangage/5574992009/)
    fountains. (http://www.flickr.com/photos/tristangage/5574992009/) by tristangage (http://www.flickr.com/people/tristangage/), on Flickr

    Camera Canon EOS 500D
    Exposure 1/4000 sec
    Aperture f/4.5
    Focal Length 25 mm
    ISO Speed 800

    flowers background white. Flowers Stock Background
  • Flowers Stock Background

  • iJohnHenry
    Dec 29, 05:03 PM
    I hear a chair screaming for help.

    They don't make chairs like that anymore.

    I wonder if it has wheels on it??

    Probably ruts in the floor tile, to and from the fridge.

    flowers background white. Sere flowers on white
  • Sere flowers on white

  • jayducharme
    May 3, 07:51 AM
    Wow. Apple is gradually starting to push more aggressive pricing. $1200 for a quad-core iMac is pretty decent. I'm happy with my "old" i7 for now. But the next iMac upgrade should be pretty amazing. (8-core base model?)

    flowers background white. a clean white background
  • a clean white background

  • ready2switch
    Oct 24, 08:19 AM
    I leave the house to drive to work and I miss all the excitement! Grats to all those who are getting new MBPs today! *jealous* :D

    Edit: I just got a chance to look at the upgrades and I'm very excited. For a similar spec in the 17", the C2D is $400 cheaper than its Yonah counterpart would have been. Makes me wish I didn't have to wait until the spring to buy!

    17" Spec:

    2GB RAM
    100GB @ 7200

    Yonah: $3099
    C2D: $2699


    flowers background white. grunge flowers background.
  • grunge flowers background.

  • Evangelion
    Jul 12, 09:23 AM
    I'm not. What would I like to see from Apple? What would my ideal iPod be like? Let's explore the possibilities.

    Bluetooth-headphones. This would kick ass. No more wires that get tangled up. And it CAN be done!

    Large touch-screen. No separate controls, the controls would be right in the display (like in the image that was linked before in this thread).

    And before you say "but there would be fingerprints on the screen! And it wouldn't provide any tactile feedback!". Ah, but how about that "no-touch" controls that have been rumored? I have no idea that is it really possible, but what if? You could simply hover you finger 1cm from the screen and use the controls. No fingerprints. As to the tactile feedback.... Tactile feedback is used that you know where the controls are without actually looking at the screen. "No-touch" UI does not have this, because you aren't actually touching anything. So how do we make this work? Well, what if you could just put your finger close to the screen ANYWHERE on the screen. If you do circlular motion (like in current iPod) the device would scroll, adjust volume, and do the other things you can do on the current iPod. If you move your finger straigh up, it would be equivaltnof clicking "menu". Straight down would be play/pause and so forth.

    As to WLAN and the like.... What if the new iPod could be tied to iChat? You could VOIP to/from the iPod. just turn on the wireless, and browse to the "buddy list" menu on your iPod, and you are all set. Hell, the iPod could have a camera as well! if they can put video-cameras on phones, is there any reason why iPod couldn't have one?

    if we assume that the "no-touch" UI is possible, then nothing I have listed is impossible. iPod with those specs would be YEARS ahead of any other device on the market! It would absolutely embarrass all the other devices.

    I decided to quote myself here. I would like Apple to REALLY do something revolutionary for a change. iPod was nice. A big improvement over what was available at the time, sure, but not revolutionary. And while iPod has been improved over the years, the steps have been quite small. Larger storage, smaller size, less weight, color-screen, refinements... How about REALLY rocking our world for a change? Enough with these evolutionary steps, take a revolutionary step instead! You have the audience, you have the market, you have the brand. You CAN do it! If there's anyone who can do it, it's you.

    Remember the "Think Different"? I would like Apple to do so. Instead of living the status quo, and making small improvements, make something different. Make iPod revolutionary. The groundwork has already been done. You just need to take that one step.

    flowers background white. 60%. pink
  • 60%. pink

  • redAPPLE
    Dec 29, 02:56 PM


    i hear a chair screaming for help.

    flowers background white. flower, abstract, ackground
  • flower, abstract, ackground

  • extrafuzzyllama
    Sep 15, 08:05 PM
    picked up new ink for printer and an enclosure and two hdds


    flowers background white. on the white background
  • on the white background

  • mrblah
    Jul 26, 07:43 PM
    A tower is more disirable to people who are new to computers because it looks like youre getting more for your money. Obviously this doesnt apply to everyone, and saying such sacrilige on a Mac forum is going to get a lot of strange looks since the audience would be part of the "not everyone" crowd. But if you actually look at what SELLS rather than what you think people want then youll see that towers are the most sought after among the people looking for maximum value rather than style. People dont care what their computers look like, if they did then why would Dell have such a big market share with their ass ugly cases? PC's arent a fashion statement, theyre a tool. PowerMacs are absurdly priced and will never make a dent in the market share, so those are only options for rich people or enthusiasts that are willing to pay such prices.

    Regardless of anyones opinion on how perfect iMacs are for new computer users, new computer users dont see it that way. They want value and upgradability since that means even more value in the long run. They dont know if they are going to upgrade anything in the future, the fact is that they buy a computer THINKING they will. You cant expect these people to know what you know, or to know that Apple has better quality parts than Dell or HP, they look at things and see computers and thats it. Not Windows, not OSX, just computers with already high prices.

    flowers background white. Summer Flowers
  • Summer Flowers

  • mondesi43
    Apr 15, 01:39 PM
    With the update notice officially stating When Lion ships this summer What are the chances the iMac refresh will happen at the same time? or will it be in the Fall instead?

    I think iMac overhaul is in the fall right after the back to school deals are over......

    Nov 4, 08:10 AM
    If it's taking you two minutes to resume a session and two minutes plus to suspend it, on that machine you mentioned the specs of, something is frickin' wrong with that machine.

    2.16 Core 2 Duo 20" iMac here, 2GB, stock 250GB drive, Parallels does the following:

    - it cold starts in 4 seconds
    - it boots my XP VM (512MB of RAM/8GB virtual hard disk) to the Desktop in 9
    - it suspended that same XP VM in 14
    - it restored that same XP VM in 11

    And that's with Crossover for Mac running several Windows apps in the background too, so some of my resources are already drained when I fired up Parallels and the VM. Memory usage at the moment for the entire machine is sitting at 1154MB of 2048MB, 69 tasks, 330 threads as measured by MenuMeters.

    So, give that box a tuneup or whatever, because you're certainly not getting the performance from Parallels that you should be getting. Also, check your VT-x flags under Parallels to make sure it's functioning properly.

    btw, this is Parallels build 1970, the latest and greatest, and I've had nothing but positive usage of Parallels since I bought it off the shelf in an Apple Store along with this iMac a month ago. 3 upgrades so far, no issues at all.


    I get similar performance on my slighly slower iMac.... And my VM images are on a less than ideal external FW drive!!! I'll second the opinion that if your system is significatly slower than this with Parallels, there's something VERY wrong with your Mac...

    Apr 22, 04:28 PM
    I think this could be sweet. Like the idea of the design, and the mock up looks ok. Just wish the reports on no 4G weren't true.

    Jan 27, 04:26 PM
    FINALLY got the car for the first time since my surgery. Had a field day!!

    Vietnamese Beef Jerky
    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5166/5253242506_5e3145dc2f.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/heyjuliette/5253242506/)

    King Eggroll
    Heath Bar Minis
    And thank you notes for my interviewers!

    Mar 15, 01:06 AM
    I'll be heading to Spectrum myself. I've got to pick one up for my wife. She thought she'd be happy with my first gen iPad until she started playing around with my white Verizon 32GB.

    Fortunately, for some reason, Spectrum sounds like was much less of a mess than Brea. 2/3 of the people in line on launch day were disappointed.

    May 2, 12:15 AM
    Anyone outside the US — especially the east coast... Boston, NYC, Washington — will feel different than we do. 9/11 hit us hard. I'm not saying other folks weren't (and aren't) affected, but for me, it's not political, it's not about any election or foreign policy: it's what happen to us. United 175 and American 11 flew over my city, my head, and those on board would be dead just minutes later. We lived it first hand, we saw the destruction and cried and prayed and live with reminders every day. We can't just "move on" or "forget." I was 11, but I remember and relive it as vividly as yesterday.

    There's a sense of satisfaction that could only come with this news: a sense of achievement and resilience, of resolve and determination. It's not the end of the war, it's not the end of terrorism, and we all know that. It is however, the end of a trying decade that defined many aspects of many peoples lives.

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