Tuesday, May 17, 2011

design background in photoshop

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  • ackground of your design.

  • Cigsm
    Apr 30, 07:41 PM
    You can't beat it because it's a pirate site. NONE of the money from the site goes to the artists, songwriters, producers, labels, etc.

    There's a reason it's based out of Russia. So I hope you're happy knowing your essentially buying stolen property.

    I don't buy from either of these any more after being introduced to Gomusicnow.com (or any of the other 25 similar sites). 9 cents per song, or ~$.80-$1.5 per ALBUM. Quality 320 for most newer albums and 220-300 for older. Can't beat it.

    design background in photoshop. general ackground layer
  • general ackground layer

  • netdog
    Jul 12, 03:34 AM
    I think that some of us may be overestimating the coolness of the player as the factor. While that worked in the early days, it may not now.

    Apple has in their favor the fact that many people now have ripped CDs and bought protected music in Apple formats. If that base is solid enough, Urge won't fly, and hence there won't be a large installed base of protected WMA files in search of a player. If a significant number of Vista users are just starting their collection, or building on existing MP3s, there is a very strong chance that they will do the easiest thing and buy protected WMA files from Urge. This could spell disaster for Apple, particularly if Microsoft is willing to replace any protected AAC files in people's collections free of charge.

    Finally, while in the early days of online music sales, it was the players and not the music downloads that drove the market, we are inevitably going to find that the players become the razor and the downloadable music the blades. Microsoft will probably price their player based on that model.

    design background in photoshop. Concept Background – Photoshop
  • Concept Background – Photoshop

  • Lurchdubious
    Jan 25, 09:12 PM

    design background in photoshop. Background in Photoshop
  • Background in Photoshop

  • clientsiman
    May 2, 12:09 AM
    Hopefully the US can now stop invading and bombing other countries with the excuse of the Al-Qaeda. Maybe it's time to move on.

    design background in photoshop. Photoshop Red Skull Design
  • Photoshop Red Skull Design

  • ezekielrage_99
    Jul 24, 10:02 PM
    About time we get a wireless more than 1 button mouse from Apple, I am still suprised it has taken then this long.

    design background in photoshop. Design a blue chrome
  • Design a blue chrome

  • MacRumors
    Apr 13, 07:21 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/13/white-iphone-4-to-finally-arrive-by-end-of-april/)


    design background in photoshop. Open Photoshop CS3 and create
  • Open Photoshop CS3 and create

  • Yamcha
    Apr 13, 01:54 PM
    I don't mind as long as the pricing is competitive, if its over-priced no way I'll be getting one..

    design background in photoshop. Photoshop desktop window
  • Photoshop desktop window

  • GaseousPlatypus
    Jul 25, 08:40 AM
    Is there a reason why the patent pictures are always so awful?

    design background in photoshop. Design Background In Photoshop
  • Design Background In Photoshop

  • NickZac
    Dec 31, 08:48 AM
    You bring up a VERY good point. The US grows over 300 million metric tons of corn each year and we pack it into every softdrink. Even 'fruit' juices have more HFCS than actual fruit. Corn is poorly digested to begin with, and corn syrup definitely causes issues. The US also allows the usage of a few major chemicals in foods which the rest of the industrialized world, and a lot of the non industrialized world, stopped using years ago. Links of these chemicals to obesity is still being studied.

    design background in photoshop. Twitter Background Design
  • Twitter Background Design

  • dongmin
    Aug 15, 03:20 PM
    see a little demo animation for search inside the safari app.
    http://www.handras.hu/stuff/ani2.movHas that pop-up video flavor, doesn't it??? Stylin...

    design background in photoshop. Modern and colorful ackground
  • Modern and colorful ackground

  • Number10Shirt
    Jan 30, 08:45 PM
    Went to Ikea to buy a few things for the new apartment I'll be moving into next week. Went pretty cheap.



    18 piece set

    16-piece set

    And a few other random things for the kitchen.

    Just need a tv and a bed.

    God I'm poor. :(

    design background in photoshop. design in Photoshop CS3
  • design in Photoshop CS3

  • pmz
    May 4, 09:29 AM
    Thanks for calling me a liar. My date moved, without explanation, as quoted in the story. The only thing I can personally think of is dropping a third line from the family plan. Other than that, and thanks to autopay, my bill for the remaining two iPhones on the plan is rather expensive, and always paid in full and on time, so the other argument is invalid as well.

    This post makes zero sense, and neither did your original claims.

    design background in photoshop. Step 2: Background 2
  • Step 2: Background 2

  • danielwsmithee
    Jul 24, 03:25 PM
    I would have got the wireless keyboard/mouse set for my iMac if this was available at the time. Oh well. I'm considering switching to the Logitech Laser anyways. I get sick of the MM not recognizing right clicks.

    design background in photoshop. Design Christmas card with
  • Design Christmas card with

  • twoodcc
    Nov 12, 03:39 PM
    i sure hope i don't lose that bigadv unit

    design background in photoshop. Background in Photoshop
  • Background in Photoshop

  • blondepianist
    Apr 15, 04:11 PM
    Well Apple has used up all the "big cat" names like Tiger and Lion which means that either OS 11 is underway or they will be in the embarassing situation of having to use lesser cat names which imply "less".

    Ocelot, Cheetah, Cougar, Fluffy, etc......:cool:

    I for one am ready for OS 11.0 "Merlot"

    Merlot - I like it!

    design background in photoshop. gradient ackground
  • gradient ackground

  • JGowan
    Apr 14, 12:28 AM
    Granted all of the issues everyone has had with the iPhone 4 over the past year (death grip/Antennagate, etc), I doubt that colour is going to be the least of their concerns.Not to be nit-picky, but "death grip" was "Antennagate" -- what's the "etc" part you mean? It's like you wanted to create a list of Apple problems, so you mentioned the one biggee TWO DIFFERNT WAYS and then stuck on "etc" to make is seem like oddles and oddles of problems ... Like we wouldn't notice! Ha! :D didn't fool me!

    design background in photoshop. feat-ackground-web-design-
  • feat-ackground-web-design-

    Apr 22, 05:43 PM
    I have an iPod Touch and I find it difficult to hold on to the damn thing without a case. The thing might as well be a fish! A phone shaped like the illustration would be an ergonomic disaster, in my opinion.

    design background in photoshop. Photoshop design unique mouse
  • Photoshop design unique mouse

  • Brien
    Mar 14, 05:52 PM
    You know, considering that the other countries are getting it in a little over a week, I think the chances of getting on in a store are pretty slim. It sounds like stores are only getting a handful of models, and for the past 2 days in a row, all of the stores I've called around here have only received 64GB Verizon models if anything.

    It REALLY sucks that I've got to wait 3 weeks for my white iPad to ship, but honestly at this point I think that's going to be shorter than trying to wait it out for one at the store.

    I just wish I'd lined up at the Brea Mall store at like, 5AM. :/

    design background in photoshop. Design in Photoshop - My
  • Design in Photoshop - My

  • 3goldens
    May 4, 02:04 PM
    No new iphone in July?

    What am I going to do!

    And this information comes from where you say, one of those idiot ATT customer reps?

    Must be true then!

    But who cares really!

    People who can't wait a few more months need to get a grip!

    After all this leaves so much more time for all the rumors and speculation to get really cranked up!

    Apr 26, 02:50 PM
    12Mbps? you sure you didn't mean 1.5GBs?

    Thanks for pointing out the typo - I meant 12 Gbps.

    (original fixed)

    Apr 15, 01:48 PM
    Oh my! I downloaded the software update for Developer Preview 2 and now I just have a blank white screen when I reboot.

    I have tried to reboot multiple times and I have let the computer set for a while with no change. Still just a blank white screen.

    Well, I am able to run it by booting into safe mode. After running in safe mode and then rebooting, it cleared a startup cache and then it booted up in normal mode, but crashed with a grey screen immediately to power the computer off. I am still able to boot and run in safe mode okay.

    I am using a new 2011 MBP 13" with 8GB RAM and the i7 CPU.

    Apr 24, 07:01 PM
    I would beat the hell out of any dude that was in the same bathroom as my daughter.

    Jul 30, 06:32 AM
    Well go and tell that to Dell and their massive market share and we'll see if they take you seriously and change their marketing strategy. Theres ideology and then theres reality, I suggest you take a trip into reality. People may think Apple is innovative but so what? Most people buy whats cheap, not whats innovative, and since Dell isnt innovative in anything they do they can afford to be cheap. We have solid proof that innovation doesnt sell as well as affordability, what is there to argue about exactly? I think Apple is perfectly fine with having such a tiny market share especially since iPod is keeping them afloat (how many billions does Jobs need? Hes probably in no rush to make mroe money), but if Apple fans expect Apple to try and get more market share then they should expect them to lower their prices and offer things like Dell.

    This is why I'm not too concerned about Apple getting Dell-like levels of marketshare.

    I see value in both Apple's hardware and their software. In fact, I see more value in the software than the hardware. However, they make most of the money from the hardware, so in effect I'm helping the continued development of Apple's software with my hardware purchases.

    If Apple sold machines for Dell prices, they'd only be able to afford to produce machines and software like Dell. Goodbye iWork, OS X, CoreVideo, xnu, Darwin, Quartz, Cocoa, Carbon, Xcode, Filemaker, Safari, iChat, Final Cut, Aperture, iMovie, iDVD, QuickTime, GarageBand, AppleScript, Compressor, Motion, Soundtrack, Logic, Shake, Xsan, WebObjects, ARD, iTunes... Most of these products existed pre-iPod. Heck, the money for iPod development probably initially came from Mac and software sales.

    Some of Apple's business does intersect with Dell's, but I don't think it's fair to compare the companies as a whole directly. What's good for Dell isn't necessarily good for Apple. Dell's business is low-margin, high-volume and is specialised(*). They integrate components, and shift boxes. If what you need is a box of parts that'll run Windows, then Dell's a good place to buy. But for a sizeable number of people (over a million per quarter), Apple's a better fit.

    A 'large' market share isn't ideal for Apple's business, simply because of the concessions required to reach it would kill the company. What's ideal is a sustainable market share. I think they've got the strategy right: keep developing products which are attractive, price them according to the balance between customer acceptance and fiscal needs, and (above all) simply be around to provide a good platform which is self-sustainable.

    Most people may well buy cheap. But there's a market for Apple's products, and it's looking stable, with signs of measured growth. Sounds good to me.

    (* - it may seem odd to call Dell's products specialised. But they are. Dell's basically a one-trick pony. Their business model allows little else. Consider how long it took them to consider AMD processors. The contemporary wisdom has been that the reason was twofold. Firstly, they were quite likely getting superb prices for Intel processors, and advertising money from Intel that may have been threatened by including AMD models. But also, it was noted that adding AMD machines would introduce an amount of complexity to Dell's supply chain management that could impact their margins. They had to wait until the potential market for AMD-based Dell machines was guaranteed to be large enough that it would offset the costs of diversifying. Dell has very limited flexibility. It has historically worked for them, but investors have been twitch recently over multiple profit warnings from the company)

    Apr 22, 05:48 PM
    There is no way it could be that thin.

    iPad 2 is thinner than the iPhone 4...

    Uhh no. Rounded off edges are a big no-no.

    iPad 2 has rounded off edges.

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